Hello everyone, had another hot day in the park . Our kitchen volunteers did a great job with the meal. We served pasta and it was good, really good. Served 228 bowls, along with granola bars water and other treats. It was a good day. Always nice to see the people, the smiling faces and the appreciation they have for what the group does. The team tries to bring a little happiness to everyone. This is so much more than a meal this is bringing the community together, it feels like one huge family.
We are still looking for Volunteers to help in the kitchen on Sunday, if you can only do 1 Sunday a month that would be great. We also need help with the U-Haul truck to load and off load. Yesterday was a good day yet for myself a day of mixed feelings. After 3 years I am stepping aside. Do to on going health issues I will no longer be associated with this wonderful group. They shall continue with a great core of volunteers who are more than capable. I wish them well and Pray God continues to Bless this Ministry.
To all who have been faithful to read these posts Thank You. Some one will be writing future posts. God Bless. Thank you again to all of our Volunteers. You are the Heart of this Ministry. To everyone who contributes, Thank You, Lives are changing, you bring Joy and Hope to our most vulnerable. Also to Hosanna Lutheran Church, Thank You for allowing us to use the kitchen and for all your help. without Hosanna Lutheran Church we probably would not exist. Thank You to everyone who is able to donate. Thank You for Reading this.
Every donation is a Huge Help. Food donations for cooking are always needed. Financial Donations can now be done by e-transfer. For those who require tax receipts, this can now be done through Hosanna Lutheran Church, You can donate using cash, cheque, or e-transfer, Please include on the memo line Helping the Homeless or HTH. E-Transfer Recipient Hosanna Lutheran Church Email donations@hosannalutheran.ab.ca If by cash or cheque 9009 163 street Edmonton Helping the Homeless in West Edmonton https://www.facebook.com/HTHIWE justserve.org If you have ever wanted to volunteer helping by all means please message us or just come down to the park on Sunday afternoon 2-4pm or to the kitchen on Fridays 9-11:30am.

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