August 18

BBQ season: 300 Hamburgers, 300 Hot dogs, 300+ Hard Boiled eggs, a ton of donated baked goods from the Angel Network, 496 sandwiches and 320 bottles of water and a big plus was the dessert, frozen S’smores I heard they were great yet we never had any to try ourselves. We also had a special treat for the kids, frozen half moon cakes and they enjoyed not just the cake but the special attention we gave them.

Honestly have to give a Special Thank You to our Volunteers. They did a lot to put this all together. Not an easy job to feed 300+ people a BBQ plus all the Sandwiches, Treats and Water. Also the Special Thank You to our Doners Every week we have someone showing up to give. This week a wonderful family brought pop and containers to give. Dale from the east part of this city came to preach and also had bags of new socks to give. Yes this is truly a community event of giving to those in need. Every act of kindness from small to large is greatly appreciated.

Last week I mentioned we have started collecting clothing for the winter, trying to get a head start. If you have any winter coats, boots, socks, gloves and toques and heavy blankets. We are off to a good start with a family donating heavy furniture moving blanks. We saw Jessie yesterday sleeping and still using the same moving blanket we gave him 2 years ago.

To everyone who contributes, Thank You, Lives are changing, you bring Joy and Hope to our most vulnerable. Also to Hosanna Lutheran Church, Thank You for allowing us to use the kitchen and for all your help. without Hosanna Lutheran Church we probably would not exist. Thank you again to all of our Volunteers you are the Heart of this Ministry. Thank You to everyone who is able to donate. Thank You for Reading this. Every donation is a Huge Help. Food donations for cooking are always needed.

Financial Donations can now be done by e-transfer. For those who require tax receipts, this can now be done through Hosanna Lutheran Church, You can donate using cash, cheque, or e-transfer, Please include on the memo line Helping the Homeless or HTH.

E-Transfer Recipient Hosanna Lutheran Church Email

If by cash or cheque 9009 163 street Edmonton Helping the Homeless in West Edmonton

If you have ever wanted to volunteer helping by all means please message us or just come down to the park on Sunday afternoon 2-4pm or to the kitchen on Fridays 9-11:30am.


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