Hello everyone. It was a good day to be in the park. Nice weather plus the breeze. The menu was goulash, – we handed out 184 servings, 348 Hard boiled eggs, 412 PBJ sandwiches, 240 bottles of water and for dessert there was watermelon.
This week was the first week of bread from The Angel Network. They supplied an abundance of bread and buns for the meal with extra to be given away.
We are also in need of a Volunteer who is able to assist in picking up bread from stores during the week . This will probably be once or twice a week. The bread will be ready when you get there. Just a quick load and go. Then to my place to be put into the freezer. If interested please message us.
We have now started collecting clothing for the winter, trying to get a head start. If you have any winter coats, boots, socks, gloves and toques taking up room in your closets and have not used them in a couple of years we would appreciate the donations.
In the picture you will see a lady with a bag over her head. The bag was to protect her from the wasps that have arrived. There is another photo of a lady sleeping on the ground. She is new to Canada, from Africa; she is not drunk or high on drugs, she is unfortunately homeless.
Night time is a dangerous time to be homeless, if you sleep you have a good chance of being assaulted so they stay awake all night then try to sleep during the day. Sad to see a person coming half way around the world believing you will have a better life then you discover you would have been better off staying where you came from.

To everyone who contributes, Thank You. Lives are changing, you bring Joy and Hope to our most vulnerable.
Also to Hosanna Lutheran Church: Thank You for allowing us to use the kitchen and for all your help. Without Hosanna Lutheran Church we probably would not exist.
We have several requests for bedding and also tarps for shelter.
Thank you to all of our Volunteers – you are the Heart of this Ministry.
Thank You to everyone who is able to donate. Thank You for Reading this. Every donation is a Huge Help.
Food donations for cooking are always needed.

Financial Donations can now be done by e-transfer.
For those who require tax receipts, this can now be done through Hosanna Lutheran Church. You can donate using cash, cheque, or e-transfer, Please include on the memo line Helping the Homeless or HTH.
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