January 19th

It was a cold day in Butler Park on Sunday. – 25 with some wind. Thank goodness we had a truck to break the wind for the volunteers. When we arrived to set up there were already people waiting. A lot of people asked for blankets and warm clothes. And we happily gave them blankets.

We served 137 servings (127 in the park and 20 at Jasper wellness) of mashed potatoes and pulled pork. A treat for the people in the park. We do not receive any funding from any Kevel of government. All food is either donated or bought from donated money. Donations can be made to Hosanna Lutheran church with a note saying HTH.

Thank you to all the volunteers who prepared the food and a special thank you to those who braved the cold to help our friends in the park. If anyone feels inclined we need a driver for the u-haul truck on Sunday. This does not need to be every Sunday. Pick up the truck around 1230 and return it around 5 on with trips to and from the park between. Drivers are not required to serve in the park.


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