January 5th

Helping the Homeless in West Edmonton It was a chilly day in Butler Park today. I thought we would have less people and the line up never got very long but it was steady. We served 175 servings of stew/soup with peanut butter sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, and some pastries. Thank you Pastor Cam for always giving our homeless friends something to drink. Today it was warm drinks, hot chocolate and coffee to all who came to the park. Thank you to the Nipawin Bible College. Eleven people came from Saskatoon to help us serve in the park. Thank you Marie Owen for monetary donations to buy rubber mat for inside our Sea Can. Thank you to all our volunteers who braved the cold. Thank you to Pat McConnel who has been driving the U-Haul truck with our supplies every weekend since last fall and who now has a job that will take him away from us for the next 3 months. Donations can be made to Hosanna Lutheran Church put HTH in the subject line. Everything we serve has been donated or purchased with donated monies. We do not get any government or organization funding. WE need a driver for the UHaul truck. Pick it up, help load it with food, tables, bins of food, hot food, awnings, unload and set up at Butler park. Then at the end of serving take everything back to the Sea Can. If this seems like something you can help us with please DM me.


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