Hello everyone. yesterday was a cold and wet day. We arrived to an almost empty park, Looked like a slow and easy day, just a few people but our faithful helpers were there to help unload and set up. By the time we were able to serve we had a count of 54 people, less than last week but the line up kept growing all the way to the end. Total was 220 were fed. On the menu we served a cowboy stew [beans and wieners] 358 Hard Boiled Eggs, 486 PBJ Sandwiches and 240 bottles of water. The clothing table was set up a bit different so they could put up a tarp to keep the clothing dry.

As always the ladies who were working were busy from start to end. Cam was also busy with the Coffee and Hot Chocolate. Last week we had a request for a wheel chair and a walker, I am happy to say both have been delivered to those who requested.

We need tarps for shelters as tents are not allowed in Edmonton also socks, underwear an hygiene products. Another walker would always be handy for when the need arises. As a group we have been Blessed with some outstanding Volunteers be it a Holiday or +35 to -40 they show up to Help others who are in Need, some have now been with us for over 2 years. Remember we are still working on year #3. One more month to go will be our anniversary with over 30,000 combined Hot and Cold meals served.
If anyone would like to participate with us we will welcome you.
Thank you to everyone one who Helps to Prepare the meals.
Thank you to everyone who helps to make 400+ PBJ sandwiches.
Thank you goes to every Volunteer who Helps to make this Happen every Sunday.
Thank You to everyone who is able to donate. Thank You for Reading this.
The group needs are peanut butter, jam, potatoes, onions and carrots. Every donation is a Huge Help.
Food donations for cooking are always needed.
Financial Donations can now be done by e-transfer.
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