Hello to everybody. Another nice day in Butler Memorial Park. Smaller crowd. Today’s menu was Pasta. We served 162 bowls with a bun, 328 Hard Boiled Eggs, 506 PBJ sandwiches and 280 bottles of Water. Cam had a busy day serving up coffee and ice tea. Clothing as always was a busy place. We desperately need men’s clothing and underwear along with socks for both the women and the men. Special request for a walker and another for adjustable crutches. Also need to find some tarps and also blankets. Today we had a lot of new faces. People are coming down to the city looking for opportunities for a better life. More single mothers than previous years along with seniors.

Thank you to everyone one who Helps to Prepare the meals. Thank you to everyone who helps to make 400+ PBJ sandwiches. Thank you goes to every Volunteer who Helps to make this Happen every Sunday. Thank You to everyone who is able to donate. Thank You for Reading this. The group needs are peanut butter, jam, potatoes, onions and carrots. Every donation is a Huge Help. Food donations for cooking are always needed. Financial Donations can now be done by e-transfer. For those who require tax receipts, this can now be done through Hosanna Lutheran Church, You can donate using cash, cheque, or e-transfer, Please include on the memo line Helping the Homeless or HTH.
E-Transfer Recipient Hosanna Lutheran Church Email: donations@hosannalutheran.ab.ca
If by cash or cheque: 9009 163 street Edmonton Helping the Homeless in West Edmonton
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